Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pose Player for Sims 3

If you havent heard... there is a pose player out for the sims 3...
And.. you can create or download custom poses...
image/mod by: cmomoney @ Mod the sims

Helpful link to a blog that has been fantbulous on updating the new poses that come out...
Kudos to you My Sims 3 blog!

Some of my photos with the downloaded poses & last one is already in game

Look at the Sim Pose Player on Mod the sims for some of the in game poses  


Lady Jess said...

I knew I could count on some sims stuff from you! where did you get all that gorgeous hair anyhow?

SSB Jezi said...

most of mine are from the Peggy Zone, The sims resource: Newsea, and XM Sims

Lady Jess said...

Awesome thanks! I'm actually doing my Forensic Science project in the Sims 3.

SSB Jezi said...

nice! I love incorporating them into rl! I make Rl people and put them in my game!